You are absolutely right. I don't fight it anymore. I let my kids drink but they don't like it as much cuz it's no big forbidden secret. My kids are so happy now that mom is not a fanatic.
mrs. flipper was curious about this , because i have two daughters still in the org.
my son 22 is like me and faded from the org.
so give us your opinion .
You are absolutely right. I don't fight it anymore. I let my kids drink but they don't like it as much cuz it's no big forbidden secret. My kids are so happy now that mom is not a fanatic.
mrs. flipper was curious about this , because i have two daughters still in the org.
my son 22 is like me and faded from the org.
so give us your opinion .
I think that many of them try to take it seriously for the sake of peace of mind and family. Their parents would be on them if they didn't try their best. They are constantly pushing disturbing questions to the back of their minds and when they ask a parent about them, they are told that is just the way Jehovah wants it and must not question it. Teens are disturbed by this but must squish it down and get physically ill from it sometimes. I remember feeling very isolated and frustrated because I had to follow all of these rules that never made sense. But I did it. I followed obediently and with time was able to successfully lie to myself, get baptized (to fit in and get a little respect in the cong.), and stay a JW for many years after. I did end up quitting, though. Poor teens in the lie are like coiled springs that feel so pressured to comply with something they feel is too odd to be true but must accept anyway. Don't even ask about the school issues! It's awful, to say the least.
so i have the friday of the district assembly behind me.
i have learned;.
i need to cancel my cable so i can study more and read the bible more and have less temptation to buy "new toys"i need to sell my house and buy an ol' fixer upper so my wife can stop working and pioneeri need to sell all my "toys" and my cari need to trust the fds implicitly because jehovah does.i need to pray more, study more, preach more, go to more meetings, etc.
I've seen some of the fixer uppers that a couple of JWs have. They never fixed them up! Can't cuz wife didn't work and pioneered full time
so i have the friday of the district assembly behind me.
i have learned;.
i need to cancel my cable so i can study more and read the bible more and have less temptation to buy "new toys"i need to sell my house and buy an ol' fixer upper so my wife can stop working and pioneeri need to sell all my "toys" and my cari need to trust the fds implicitly because jehovah does.i need to pray more, study more, preach more, go to more meetings, etc.
Clap signs: Just brought to mind that you might want to purchase a clapper, you know the hand shaped clackity kind they sell at ball games? Oh, and bring a lighter and light it when they say "awsome" things like concert goers do at rock concerts. I would light my lighter if I went, again!
we're expecting some out-of-town ex-jw's coming to town that afternoon.
sunday august 12 at/after 4pm at kennedy school courtyard.
I really would like to get in touch with the Portland/Vancouver crowd, but the only way to communicate with them is through e-mail. I fear that I mentioned names I shouldn't have.
we're expecting some out-of-town ex-jw's coming to town that afternoon.
sunday august 12 at/after 4pm at kennedy school courtyard.
I used to live in that area and personally knew some of the 'postates, but couldn't talk to any of them for fear of cooties
the bibles rebound with a reasoning book in the end.
the special bookbags made by a jw for jws.
the magazine holders.
Yup, I was a frequent flier with Stoops.
the perfect man and woman, soon after being created, failed short of god's requirements and so sin was introduced into the world.
according to the watchtower, god's law required a "life for a life" and so a perfect human needed to be sacrificed, i.e., killed, in order for humanity to be redeemed.. my simple question concerning this doctrine is....why?.
how does the death of a human, perfect or otherwise, help matters?
That never made sense to me, either. It made as much sense to me as birthday celebrations, Thanksgiving (aren't there supposed to be two words?), and cheerleading are bad.
i was talking to a friend of mine about perfection last night.. he made a comment that there was no way to have perfection, unless you made one thing and set that as perfect.
everything after that would be a copy and otherwise would always in some way fall short of perfect, the original creation.
we were talking about art.. and then he made a comment that god did not create us perfectly.
Inborn tendency toward wickedness: I never felt wicked as I'm sure many others have never felt wicked, either. I can't help but feel a bit indignant when everyone on earth is caught up in the "imperfection" net and labeled "wicked." That is just a word that overbearing leaders use to inflict guilt in order to control the masses.
My friend said to me once, "If God created everything perfect, why is it that he had to keep tweaking it?" Ex: flood destroyed everything so God could have a fresh start. It ended up being f***** up, again. How about the nation of Israel? F***** up, again!
I believe we were created then left to fend for ourselves. No imperfection, just life. That's it. Period.
what kind of measures do other parents take to help kids navigate the internet safely?.
i hate msn and other iming programs - there's far too much potential for mischief with that service available.. are there some easy ways to block sites or isps?
or is it better to set it up with approved sites only?.
Take them to the library to use their computers and lock the one at home.